3 Tips to Help You Build a Solid Brand Foundation

A brand is the sum total of the experiences your customers and potential customers have with your company. A strong brand communicates what your company does, how it does it, why it does it and at the same time, establishes trust and credibility. Your brand’s success depends heavily on everyday interactions with your customers and potential customers. The images you share on social media, the messages you post on your website, the content of your marketing materials, and so on, have a huge impact on a potential customer’s purchasing decisions.

You may ask yourself, well, how do I do this with little to no knowledge?

Great question! Here are 3 tips to get you going in the right direction.

  1. Be unique. This is no secret but probably one of the most important elements of your brand. The sea of products and services has gotten bigger and bigger due to the sheer fact that starting a business, in today’s world, is easy and pretty much anyone can do it. Making your brand stand out among a crowd of others, trying to do the same thing, can be tricky, but listing out your competitive advantage is a great starting point and something that your overall brand should represent. So our first tip is to gather your thoughts and start visualizing that unique quality in imagery. What comes to mind? What would resonate with your audience?
  2. Have a good name and logo. Yes, this is an obvious one but so many overlook this important step and just create something as quick as possible so they can get to market and start selling. This is where you should bring in an experienced designer. Paying a complete stranger online to create your logo for 25 bucks is not a good starting point and you WILL end up changing it in the long run. We highly recommend you make the investment now so you don’t have to later.
  3. Be consistent. I repeat, be consistent. Brand Consistency throughout your marketing is so so so so did we say so? SO IMPORTANT. Did you get that? Okay good. We can’t drive this point home enough. Look at your favorite brands on Instagram. What is it about their accounts that makes them look good? Compare their instagram account with their Pinterest account and Facebook and TV ads etc. We bet you’ll see the same type of imagery, typography, use of tone and voice and so on. Consistency makes your brand feel more dependable and reliable. Look at your current accounts or what you plan to create. Will it be or is it already consistent? What can you change or put into place to create that consistency customer are looking for? Implementing these three tips is an awesome starting point for creating a solid foundation for an industry disrupting brand.

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